Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here we go!

Well Ladies, the journey has just begun. What have we committed to? Spending time with the Lord daily, spurring one another along when we need it, and sharing the ups and downs with each other. I dont know about you, but I need that.

So to start off with, why dont we all share where we are at in the journey right now. I'll go first and the rest of you can either write your own post (those of you who have accepted the invite to be a blog author... if you havent gotten an invite and want one please leave your email address in the comment section) or leave a comment letting us know where your at in the journey.

I have now been a Christian for around 11 years. That sounds like an eternity to me, and yet some of you can say 20 years or more! Ha! For the last five years, I have been learning how hard it is to develop a consistent time with the Lord amidst the daily pulls of adult life. I have been spotty, and it doesnt help me any that I really dont have anyone in my phase of life at my church. I need accountability. I need people who will tell me I am just making excuses and I need to suck it up and make the time. I need people to remind me that it really will be the most refreshing time of my day, because sometimes its just getting started thats the problem right?

Anyhow, over February I have started to get in a groove I think. I am a morning person, so I am committing to set time aside each morning to spend quality time with the Lord. Right now I am finishing up a study on Ruth, trying to memorize Philippians and struggling to develop a disciplined prayer time each day. Being in the word comes easier to me, prayer is a real weak spot and memorization is something I have just never been intentional about. I need people to hold me accountable to passionately praying each day, meaning I need you to ask and bug me to see if I have really been doing it. And not only that, have I truly meant it?

Spiritually right now I am at one of those rolling plains, meaning I am not in a tough valley of hardship or depression and I am not on a mountaintop experiencing tons of amazing praises and growth. I think these times are challenges because it is so tempting to either get complacent, get bored or get prideful. Its these everyday normal times that make up most of life, and this is where I have to learn to acknowedge, praise and worship the Lord. Challenges and tips on how to do this are always welcome.

Thats where I am at. Where are you?? I am praying that this little group of ours could, by the Holy Spirit's leading, somehow overcome the whole internet barrier and become life-giving community. Those of you who dont blog, share in the comments. Be real and lets walk together on this journey.


  1. thank you so much for starting this and for your vulnerability here--I think God will definitely use it!


    Thanks for sharing!
